The CCDS School Board sets policy and conducts financial oversight to support the mission of the Christ Church Day School and the goals of the Episcopal Church in education.
The board is comprised of parents, members of the Vestry, and others with professional backgrounds that support the governance of CCDS policy.
The Nominating Committee submits names to the School Board for review. The board forwards the names to the Vestry for approval.
Board Meetings
The CCDS School Board meets monthly. View past meeting minutes here.
Areas of responsibility or work regarding school policy or fundraising are generally delegated to various committees. The CCDS School Board committees are: Nominating, Academic, Personnel, Finance, Marketing, Development, and Religious Life.
Rector of Christ Church
Payton Hobbs* - Head of School
Keith Fargo* - Treasurer
Keren Mondaca* - Secretary
*Non-voting members
Tom Murray
Eileen Alpenia
Tammy Farrier
Bill Golden
Lyle Anderson
Mary Catherine Melancon
Shane Durkin
Lauren Thrasher
Bill Sandke
Jaelyn Frey