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Academics Overview

Eager-faced children, proud of their efforts and accomplishments, are what we desire for each child's educational experience at CCDS. The faculty and staff of Christ Church Day School ground teaching and learning practices on love and respect for each individual child. Whether laughing at their state-of-matter concoctions of "soliquid,” creating wonderful works of art, or learning about number bonds and equations in math, teachers engage the children in activities that provide opportunities to reason and reflect, build self-discipline, and encourage lifelong learning.

Striving for academic excellence, we follow research-based, best practices in curriculum and instruction. Literacy skills are developed through whole group direct instruction, small group guided instruction, and independent exploration with emphasis on mastery of skills and English language development. To support the development of mathematical skills and contents, we use the Singapore Math approach and materials.  We also have adopted the Next Generation Science standards which raise the bar on what is considered to be outstanding instruction in the sciences, and we have implemented the Mystery Science curriculum to align with the Next Generation Science Standards.

Art, Music, PE, Spanish, and Spiritual Nurture speciality classes expand and enrich the daily classroom curriculum and support the holistic development of CCDS students. The complete CCDS program is used as a means to excite students about learning and to encourage each child to become a life-long learner.  

Underlying everything we do at Christ Church Day School is an education based on values that reflect God's love for each of us, academic excellence, service learning, inclusiveness, and an appreciation for diversity. Within this context, we strive to educate ourselves and our students in mind and heart.

Our School-Wide Learning Expectations

  • identify needed information

  • apply information

  • analyze information

  • risk using information in a new way

  • evaluate information

  • identify solutions to problems

  • listen effectively, using verbal and nonverbal cues

  • speak effectively, using verbal and nonverbal cues

  • read and comprehend independently

  • write effectively in all domains

  • use technology as a tool of communication

  • disagree in a positive, respectful manner

  • utilize good manners

  • accomplish tasks in a cooperative way

  • work with multiple ages and abilities

  • demonstrate effective leadership skills

  • participate in service learning

  • respect and appreciate diversity

  • develop a healthy sense of self and understanding of their roles in the community

  • set goals

  • access appropriate resources

  • use strategies, such as time management and organizational skill to achieve goals

  • willingly take a risk

  • exercise intellectual curiosity

  • create intellectual, artistic, practical, physical products

  • create quality products, with an emphasis on technology

  • explore creative solutions

  • apply knowledge from multiple sources

  • participate in physical activities

  • participate in spiritual activities

  • develop an awareness of a healthy lifestyle and make positive choices

  • respect the environment

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